Inbound: A Mission to Fix The Broken Marketing to Schools Playbook
Inbound: A Mission to Fix The Broken Marketing to Schools Playbook
Outbound marketing techniques such as emailing, posting, and phoning schools are restrictive. Yes they will continue to...
Outbound marketing techniques such as emailing, posting, and phoning schools are restrictive. Yes they will continue to...
Outbound marketing techniques such as emailing, posting, and phoning schools are restrictive. Yes they will continue to reap some rewards for you, but by adopting a solely outbound marketing strategy you will fail in capturing the attention, and heart, of most of the teachers out there who could be loyal customers.
The education marketing world has evolved hugely over the past few years, and teachers have become very marketing savvy. They are experts at blocking out your marketing, and instead, are starting to interact more with the suppliers to schools that communicate with them on their ‘own terms’.
This is Inbound marketing and it's something that many of the most successful sellers to schools are already doing.
These ‘Grade ‘A’ Marketing Students’ have broken free from the marketing to schools stereotype; they have adopted new marketing techniques, and in doing so have started to build a loyal band of teachers and schools that follow, trust, appreciate, and love them.
These companies then see teachers share their marketing content, become advocates of their brand, recommend them to other teachers, purchase from them regularly, and build long-term valuable relationships.
Before we look at how to achieve this, it's essential that you a) rank your current inbound marketing performance, b) benchmark it against others, and c) highlight where you and the education sector as a whole is falling short.
Over the next 2 weeks we'll be posting the results of our Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey, so stay tuned and be ready to benchmark yourself against your competition!
Marketing to Schools
Emailing Teachers
Selling to Teachers
Email Landing Pages
How to Sell to Schools
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