Overcoming Cynicism Tip #3: Size Doesn’t Always Matter!

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #3: Size Doesn’t Always Matter!

Many companies that sell to schools are so concerned with their image that they spend the first paragraph of their marke...

Many companies that sell to schools are so concerned with their image that they spend the first paragraph of their marke...

John Smith
John Smith
Published: 4th July 2013

Many companies that sell to schools are so concerned with their image that they spend the first paragraph of their marketing email focusing on themselves rather than the teacher and their school.

Sometimes it seems like every marketing email I receive is from a company at the ‘forefront of their industry’ or ‘leading’ something or other. If you have a genuinely renowned brand then yes, it’s great to make the most of that, but it can be just as effective to celebrate the fact that you are small, friendly team.

As long as you can offer teachers great benefits they won’t care how big you are or what your annual turnover is. Often people prefer to deal with smaller, more loveable companies.

So if you are small and loveable like Sprint then try to embrace that in your marketing to schools. It’s actually a great weapon in your arsenal that you can use to overcome your audience's innate cynicism in marketing.

Marketing to Schools Selling to Schools UK Schools Marketing

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