Overcoming Cynicism Tip #4: Exist in the Here and Now
Overcoming Cynicism Tip #4: Exist in the Here and Now
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of marketing email. Email 1 is typically written far in advance and sent out pe...
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of marketing email. Email 1 is typically written far in advance and sent out pe...
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of marketing email.
Email 1 is typically written far in advance and sent out periodically whenever business needs pepping up.
Email 2 exists in the here and now and could only have been written in the present day.
If you want your marketing to schools to successfully engage your audience then you cannot afford to be sending email 1. Teachers can spot these a mile off and will deal with them mercilessly.
In order to sell to schools you need to be sending email 2, and to be able to send these emails you have to be paying close attention to what’s happening in the world around you – both in your industry and in the lives of the teachers that you’re emailing.
To truly capture teachers’ attention you have to be agile with your marketing and ensure you’re sprinkling every email with topical references. This will serve to dispel any notion that yours are simply arbitrary marketing emails that could have been sent out at any time.
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Marketing to Schools
Selling to Teachers
UK Schools Marketing
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