Everything You Need to Know About School Spending
Everything You Need to Know About School Spending
Gain education insights from our State of Selling to Schools Report, about how schools make their purchasing decisions, when they buy, and who makes the decisions.
Gain education insights from our State of Selling to Schools Report, about how schools make their purchasing decisions, when they buy, and who makes the decisions.
Do you know how schools spend their money? Watch our latest video to discover, what areas they are prioritising for investment in, when they are more likely to make purchasing decisions and who at the school will be deciding whether or not to purchase your solution.
We only asked education staff with budget-holding responsibilities at their education establishment the questions featured in this video. So you won't be hearing from any teachers who may be speculating on who decides whether they can purchase new stationery for their classroom or when the school makes essential premises development purchases, you'll only be hearing from those in the know.
Our insights come from the data collected in our extensive State of Selling to Schools Report 2023. Former educators Ben and Lance provide you with the context from their experience as educators and Heads of Departments, to help you interpret school spending decisions.
To read all of our essential insights, download your free copy of The State of Selling to Schools 2023.
Access our industry-leading marketing platform Campus, to benefit from our UK and International databases, marketing services and education intelligence. To discuss how we can help you get in with us on 01684 297374 or via email at info@sprint-education.co.uk.
Education Budget
Education Marketing
Emailing Teachers
How to Sell to Teachers
Marketing to Teachers
School Budgets
Schools Spending
Selling to Schools
Selling to Teachers
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