Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Our Free State of Selling to K-12 Report"
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Campus | Marketing to Schools

The 'EdTech Wishlist' of 1,039 Teachers (New Survey)

The EdTech and software insights you need to really tick teachers’ boxes.
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Marketing to Schools

What Type of Education Business Are You?

We identified three distinct types of education business last year. Here's how their approaches to the pandemic have played out in 2021.
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Marketing to Schools

What Teachers Want from Education Businesses (UK Staff Survey Results)

In this blog, John shares some eye-popping, chin-stroking, and head-scratching results from our recent UK Teacher survey.
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Marketing to Schools

Schools' Top 9 Priorities for the Remainder of 2021

After a dramatic shift in the education landscape, edu-marketers need insight.
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Marketing to Schools

What to do with your education marketing during lockdown 3.0

You received more marketing and business advice last year than you could shake a stick at, but what about now? Here's an update for 2021.
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