Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Marketing to Schools

How to Sell More to Teachers (Case Studies)

Learn how to craft the perfect case study to convert more sales leads.
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

The 3 Graphs That Show the GDPR’s Impact on Marketing to Schools

In this blog, John looks at what impact the GDPR really had on marketing to schools and, importantly, where this takes emailing teachers...
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Emailing Teachers | Inbound Marketing | Marketing to Schools

5 Tips For Marketing Your Mental Health Provision More Effectively

5 ways to catapult your mental health provision out of teacher's inboxes and into their classrooms...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Losing Sleep Over Click Rates? 5 Reasons to Sleep Soundly.

That feeling when you realise you’ve been unnecessarily losing sleep over click-through rates for the past 5 years…
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Marketing to Schools

Postal Marketing to Schools Just Got Personal

In this blog, Sprint Education's full-stack marketeer, Kat, introduces our new Pigeon Hole service. The next generation of postal marketing to schools.
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