Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Marketing to Schools

2018: Year Zero For Marketing to Schools

Probably the biggest year for your marketing to schools in history. Here's why...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Marketing to schools is just like theatre (Oh, yes it is!)

It's panto season! Sprint copywriter Katie explores how to approach your email campaign from beginning to end through the eyes of a budding actor...
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Marketing to Schools

Marketing to Schools and The GDPR: It’s Time to Put the Record Straight

In this blog, Sprint Education Co-Founder, Guy explains why your business has nothing to fear from the GDPR (despite what some would have you believe).
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Inbound Marketing | Marketing to Schools

How Sprint Helped Schudio Increase Turnover by 40% in One Year

In this blog, Ian Richardson from school website experts Schudio explains how Sprint's managed strategy helped him increase turnover by 40% in one year...
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Inbound Marketing | Marketing to Schools

3 Steps to Maximising Your Education Trade Show Appearance

In this blog, Kat explains how to maximise your footfall, wow visitors to your stand without breaking the bank, and win those all-important post-event sales
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