Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Premises Services

Coming Soon: An Elephant For Everyone!

Do you remember the parable about the three blind men and the elephant? The first man is led to the tail and thinks it’s...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Benefits: From ‘Sorry, Did You Say Something?’ to ‘Where Do I Sign Up?’ in 5 Simple Steps

Benefits, benefits, benefits… In the end it all comes down to benefits. If it didn’t then every marketing email you rece...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Clarity Triumphs Over Persuasion Every Time

It’s such an easy mistake to make. You spend all day every day living and breathing your company’s products. You’re s...
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Education News | Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Videos | Social Media | Inbound Marketing

4 Hilarious Examples of Agile Marketing!

As Curling Fever fleetingly swept through the nation last Friday, we posted a Vine showing some of the Sprint team enjoy...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Website

Sprint’s Humble Beginnings (And Wise Words From Jennifer Lopez)

“Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got / I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block / used to have a little, now I have...
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