Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Selling to Schools in 2014: Shocking Secret #1

When it comes to sticking to New Year’s resolutions, it’s fair to say the Sprint team had a pretty mixed 2013. Darren...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Social Media

Email Marketing: It’s About the Shoes, Not the Hair!

When you first meet someone can you tell more about them by their hair or by their shoes? You could argue that judgin...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

An Email Marketing Lesson Courtesy of ‘The X Factor’

I like to think that writing the content for clients’ marketing to schools campaigns has turned me into a finely tuned e...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: Round 3 - Getting Responses

Today is the final part of my analysis of what happened when two premises companies used an email campaign to promot...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Website | Inbound Marketing | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: Round 2 - Getting Engagement

Today is the second part of my analysis of what happened when two companies used an email campaign to promote the sa...
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