Marketing to K-12 Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Education News | Marketing to Schools | School Budgets

5 Facts About School Budgets - 2013

When selling to schools and teachers it is important to understand the new 2013 school budgets so you can begin planning...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Mobile Marketing | Education Data | Inbound Marketing

Selling to Schools & The 10 Big Changes in 2013 (Changes 8-10)

Hopefully now you have digested the first 7 big marketing to schools changes in 2013 which have been published in this b...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Inbound Marketing

Selling to Schools & The 10 Big Changes in 2013 (Changes 5-7 of 10)

Change 5: Inbound Marketing During 2013 as the “human” philosophy of marketing takes hold, every member of your team...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Education Data

Selling to Schools & The 10 Big Changes in 2013 (Changes 2-4 of 10)

Change 2: Budgets on the up! At the end of 2012 the government announced further cuts to the public sector. However,...
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Education News | Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Miscellaneous | Postal Marketing | School Budgets | Website | Social Media

2013 - What does the future hold? (10 Big Changes)

In 2012 the world of schools’ marketing progressed to new levels with direct emails to teachers hitting new heights of R...
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